Whois Privacy Protection, occasionally also referred to as Privacy or Whois Privacy Protection, is a service that conceals the genuine contact details of domain owners on WHOIS check web sites. Without such protection, the name, street address and email account of any domain name registrant will be openly accessible. Providing fake info during the domain name registration process or changing the real information later will simply not work, as doing such a thing may result in the domain name registrant losing their ownership of the domain. The policies approved by ICANN, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, demand that the WHOIS information must be correct and up to date all the time. The Whois Privacy Protection service was launched by registrars as an answer to the growing concerns for potential identity theft. If the service is activated, the domain name registrar’s contact details will be displayed instead of the client’s upon a WHOIS check. Most domain names support the Whois Privacy Protection service, even though there are certain country-code ones that do not.
Whois Privacy Protection in Web Hosting
Enabling the Whois Privacy Protection service for any domain registered with us is amazingly easy in case you have a Linux web hosting package. You can achieve this through the very same Hepsia Control Panel, via which you manage the hosting account – you’ll only need to visit the Registered Domains section where all your domain names will be listed and to click the “Whois Privacy Protection” symbol, which will be available for each domain name that supports the protection service. This is also the place where you can renew the Whois Privacy Protection service or disable it altogether – if you want to transfer a particular domain name to some other domain name registrar. With our Whois Privacy Protection service, you can hide your personal or corporate contact info with only several clicks and stop worrying that your information might be acquired by unsolicited persons.