If you’ve ordered a web hosting plan and you have certain inquiries associated with a particular function/feature, or if you’ve encountered a certain challenge and you need assistance, you should be able to contact the respective customer care staff. All web hosting companies use a ticketing system irrespective of whether they offer other ways of contacting them aside from it or not, as the most efficient way to solve a problem most often is to submit a ticket. This model of communication renders the replies sent by both parties easy to follow and allows the help desk support staff representatives to escalate the case in the event that, for instance, a server admin has to step in. In the general case, the ticketing system is not directly linked to the hosting space and is part of the billing account, so you need to use no less than 2 separate accounts to contact the customer support staff and to actually administer the hosting space. Non-stop switching from one account to the other could often be a burden, not to mention the fact that it takes quite a lot of time for the majority of web hosting companies to reply to the tickets themselves.
Integrated Ticketing System in Web Hosting
In stark contrast to what you may find with numerous other web hosting companies, the support ticket system that we’re using with our Linux web hosting packages is an integral part of the Hepsia Control Panel, which is included with all web hosting accounts. You won’t have to remember several user names and passwords, as you will be able to manage both your tickets and the web hosting account itself in a single location. So, if you have an inquiry or confront an issue, you can touch base with our help desk team instantly. Our ticketing system includes a clever search option. This suggests that even if you have sent numerous tickets through the years, you’ll be able to find the one that you want with ease. Additionally, you can read knowledge base suggestions for tackling commonly faced problems.